

Upcoming Documentary Chronicling Marvel’s Legendary Stan Lee and His Final Years Already Courting Controversy

rjovine 13 seconds ago

Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko. Roy Thomas. Flo Steinberg. Joe Sinnott. Gene Colan. Gil Kane. Martin Goodman. John Buscema. These creatives – and many, many more – were among the early building blocks which ultimately made up the foundations of what we now know as Marvel Comics. Of course, one name invariably rises above this honor role of writers and artists and notable figures: Stan ‘The Man’ Lee. This veritable mainstay in the comic book landscape hitched his sail to the Marvel ship before the company was even known far-and-wide by that fabled moniker. Lee’s work goes all the way back to the Golden Age of comics when Marvel was known as Timely (for the record, Stan’s very first published work for the company showed up in the form of a text piece in Captain America Comics #3, circa 1941). Though the line from Timely to what would become popularly known as Marvel Comics was not by any means a straight one – Lee and Co. would have to contend with various and sundry ups and downs in the industry such as changing economics in the industry, as well as witch-hunts and a name change to ‘Atlas’ before landing on the fabled bird known as The Fantastic Four – when Stanley Martin Lieber (A.K.A. Stan Lee) finally figured out the right formula to capture the reading public’s imagination, it was full-steam ahead to eventual domination of the comic book industry. Along with co-creators such as Jack ‘King’ Kirby and Steve ‘Spider-Man’ Ditko, Lee revolutionized what a comic book could be by interjecting soap opera elements and commentary on the social issues of the day, creating a cohesive universe of masked heroes who had just as many problems as their readers.

When Lee passed away at the age of 95, his legacy in comics was secure thanks to a crackling public persona which fans lapped up like so much catnip (including this card-carrying wannabe member of the Merry Marvel Marching Society who feels blessed to have seen Lee at a signing in Texas back in the mid-1990’s), as well as scores of cameos in motion pictures ranging from Mallrats to nearly every cinematic MCU offering. However, in the months and weeks leading up to his death in November of 2018, uncomfortable rumors began to emerge that all was not quite right in the private life of this Marvel luminary. The stories which circulated were stark and sad in nature and revolved around an inner-circle who seemed intent on using the creator to enrich their own coffers, often with no regard for the elderly Lee’s own health and well-being.

From our FOOM pals over at The Hollywood Reporter comes the news that a documentary on Stan Lee’s final years is set to make its debut from a man who was granted complete access by Lee, Jon Bolerjack. What he and his camera captured was disturbing and seemingly yet another look at something which is not often talked about in our youth-driven society: elder abuse. What makes this worse is that it was some of Lee’s own inner-circle – the very folks he should have been able to trust – who made questionable decisions on his behalf.

Stan Lee: The Final Years looks to peel back the curtain and offer Stan Lee admirers a look at both the good and the bad of his hectic golden years. For a look at what to expect, simply click right here, True Believers. If you’re as intrigued (and yes, saddened) as we are and want the full story, a Kickstarter campaign has commenced which will enable Jon Bolerjack to properly finish his work.

This story is nothing short of heartbreaking and certainly not an end befitting a man who made so many of us so very happy with his ability to whisk us away into the magical land of comic book make believe; here’s to you, Stan: you deserved much better than what you got towards the end of your well-lived life; Excelsior, Mr. Lee.

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